• 849 Roller Refill
  • Roller-849-bleue-f-m
  • Roller-849-noire-f-m


卡達 - 849 G2 Rollerball Refill 鋼珠筆芯 | Rollerball Pen 鋼珠筆

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NT$ 11.10
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NT$ 11.10
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NT$ 11.10
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卡達 - 849 G2 Rollerball Refill 鋼珠筆芯 | Rollerball Pen 鋼珠筆 總分: 0 - 0 評價

卡達 CARAN d'ACHE - 849 G2 鋼珠筆芯 | 鋼珠筆

849 鋼珠筆芯是 G2 筆芯,市場上最常見和多用途的筆芯之一,適用於市面上眾多的鋼珠筆款

不同於市場上的一般鋼珠筆,卡達 849 鋼珠筆採簡約便利的無蓋式設計,可快速地按壓出芯 、收芯, 沒有筆蓋遺失的風險。書寫完畢之後建議將筆芯按壓收回, 以避免墨水消耗。

筆頭的保護蠟移除後,正常狀況下可使用至少一年。 筆芯使用超過一年之後不提供保固。( * 筆尖透明的保護蠟可確保使用前的最佳保存狀況。開始使用時必須將保護蠟移除。筆芯保護蠟尚未移除的情況, 保固期限 2 年

849 原子筆芯與 849 鋼珠筆芯兩者可滿足各種使用需求,故也可以在 849 鋼珠筆中使用 849 Goliath 原子筆替芯,但這並不符合卡達的品質管控標準,因此消費者必須使用 849 鋼珠筆芯才能享有保固。

849 鋼珠筆芯不是加壓筆芯。筆芯在筆尖垂直朝下到水平角度都可以書寫。當筆尖位置高於筆芯後端時, 筆芯會停止供墨,待筆尖位置低於尾部,又恢復運作。


  • 結合原子筆的使用簡易及鋼筆的書寫滑順
  • 墨水流暢均勻
  • 輕鬆使用, 不須用力即可流暢書寫
  • 濃郁明亮的顯色度


  • 鍍鎳黃銅管
  • 細字 F (Ø 0.5mm): 不鏽鋼筆尖
  • 中字 M (Ø 0.7mm): 鎳銀筆尖
  • 陶瓷筆珠
  • 水性墨水提供舒適的書寫感 及明亮清晰的顯色度
  • 有兩種筆尖規格和兩種墨水顏色: 
    • 中字 M: 藍色 / 黑色 (Ø 0.7mm)→書寫距離達 800M,約 50 頁 A4 紙
    • 細字 F : 藍色 / 黑色 (Ø 0.5mm)→書寫距離達 1,400M,大約 85 頁 A4 紙

CARAN d'ACHE - 849 Rollerball Refill 鋼珠筆芯 | Rollerball Pen

The 849-point refill is the G2 refill, the most common and versatile refill on the market, suitable for steel ball pens.

In the refill market, there are no 9 general ball pens, up to 84. The convenient cover design of general ball pens and ball pens can quickly prototype the core and core without the risk of losing the pen. Avoid avoiding waste.

After removing the protective wax from the pen tip, it can be used for at least one year under normal conditions. There is no warranty for refills after more than one year. The protective wax is removed. If the refill protection wax has not been removed, the warranty period is 2 years

The 849 ballpoint pen core and the 849 ballpoint pen core can meet various needs. Therefore, the 849 Goliath ballpoint pen refill is used in the ballpoint pen. The ballpoint pen refill can meet Qatar's quality control standards. Therefore, consumers use the 849 ball pen core Bagang Warranty.

8499 Vertical ball refill is not a reminder refill. The pen core can be written down to the horizontal angle. When the position of the pen tip is far away from the pen core, the pen core will end ink, and it will resume after the pen tip is fed.

Compared with ball pens, ballpoint pens have the following advantages:

Combines the ease of use of a ball pen and the smooth writing of a fountain pen
Easy to use, no fingerprint scanning required
The color rendering of Bailu
product features:

  • Nickel-plated brass tube
  • Fine (Ø 0.5mm): Stainless steel nib
  • Medium (Ø 0.7mm): nickel silver nib
  • Ceramic pen tip
  • Water-based cleaning provides comfortable writing color and bright and clear visibility
  • There are two pen tip specifications and two colors:
    • Medium: Blue / Black (Ø 0.7mm) → Writing distance to 800M, about 50 pages of A4 paper
    • Fine: Blue / Black (Ø 0.5mm)→Writing distance is up to 1,400M, about 85 pages of A4 paper

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  • 因拍攝與各類顯示器必有色差,圖片僅供參考,顏色請以實際收到商品為準。不接受色差作為瑕疵的退換貨。
  • 商品流動量大,如遇缺貨事宜,本店保留訂單接受與拒絕之權利。

