• 椅子姑(Aunt Chair)Í-á-koo
  • color_椅子姑(Aunt Chair)Í-á-koo
  • IMG_9850a


藍濃道具屋 - 椅仔姑 - 2022 假鬼假怪 30ml 鋼筆墨水

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NT$ 14.06
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NT$ 14.06
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NT$ 14.06
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藍濃道具屋 - 椅仔姑 - 2022 假鬼假怪 30ml 鋼筆墨水 總分: 0 - 0 評價

假鬼假怪 商品介紹



《椅仔姑 Aunt Chair》



All Kinds of Spirits

Taiwan is an island o nature. That’s why there are tales about all kinds of spirits in the ocean, mountains, and plains. The “All Kinds of Spirits” collection introduces some popular spirits in Taiwan, including the Aunt Tiger that scares the kids the most, the naughty Mountain Elves, the Aunt Chair that guarded children, and the Pen Fairy summoned in the classroom.

In our memories, these spirits were so vivid and lively. I wonder how these stories would be like in modern settings.

《椅仔姑 Aunt Chair》

In the folktale, a girl was abused to death and became a wraith, also known as the Aunt Chair, to protect little girls. She hid in the corners of the household and guarded everyone. Sometimes, she’d hang out with children, but she’d disappear immediately as she sees any adult.

Volume: 30ml

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