• 茂林寺沼の湿原.JPG

三田三昭堂 - "茂林寺沼的濕原" 50ml 日本限定鋼筆墨水 | Mita Sanshodo - "Morinji-numa Marsh Ink"(Green) / 50ml / Exclusive Fountain Pen Ink

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NT$ 21.00
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NT$ 21.00
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NT$ 0.00
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三田三昭堂 - "茂林寺沼的濕原" 50ml 日本限定鋼筆墨水 | Mita Sanshodo - "Morinji-numa Marsh Ink"(Green) / 50ml / Exclusive Fountain Pen Ink 總分: 0 - 0 評價

三田三昭堂 - "茂林寺沼の湿原" 50ml 日本限定鋼筆墨水



Mita Sanshodo - "Morinji-numa Marsh Ink"(Green) / 50ml / Exclusive Fountain Pen Ink

Transport yourself to the quaint vistas of rural Gunma as your pen races across the page. This hunter green ink is named after Morinji-numa Marsh in Tatebayashi City, Gunma. These ecologically diverse wetlands surround a scenic lake and a temple of the same name.

Designer: Mita Sansodo

Producer: Sailor

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