• EN5401 Red Copper.JPG

KWZ - Copper Red 銅 沾水筆墨水 25ml 新手推薦 | Calligraphy Ink 書法墨水

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NT$ 15.05
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NT$ 15.05
Regular price
NT$ 15.05
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KWZ - Copper Red 銅 沾水筆墨水 25ml 新手推薦 | Calligraphy Ink 書法墨水 總分: 0 - 0 評價

KWZ 沾水筆墨水 特性

  • 不容易毛邊暈開,尤其是普通影印紙
  • 使沾水筆尖容易沾墨,沾一次可以書寫的量更大
  • 更容易做出髮絲線
  • 跟紙張可以永久附著
  • 可以利用幾滴水調節流暢度
  • 不易沉澱,攪拌均勻後即可書寫一整天


KWZ Calligraphy Ink Feature

  • no feathering effects using a wide range of papers, especially copy papers
  • proper flow from dip nibs, especially pointed ones, which means, that one dip is enough for writing at least few words, not just few letters
  • possibility to write a very thin hairline using pointed nibs
  • permanent bonding to the paper, crucial for artistic use.
  • adjustability of the flow to the individual needs by adding few drops of water.
  • easily to use, do not need to keep stirring.

注意事項 Notice

  • 下標前請先閱讀本店各項注意事項。
  • 因拍攝與各類顯示器必有色差,圖片僅供參考,顏色請以實際收到商品為準。不接受色差作為瑕疵的退換貨。
  • 商品流動量大,如遇缺貨事宜,本店保留訂單接受與拒絕之權利。

