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藍濃道具屋 - 豐穀 Harvest - 2024 出去走走 鋼筆墨水

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藍濃道具屋 - 豐穀 Harvest - 2024 出去走走 鋼筆墨水 總分: 0 - 0 評價


這座落於亞熱帶的濕溽小島,進入秋天之後,陽光收斂起刺人的光芒,雨水也不若夏季時那麼恣意妄為。躲避豔陽的人們步出了大樓與陰影,在這最舒適的時間,走入戶外,探索這個擁有最多色彩的季節。 這一次我們來到象山,眺望台北的夜景,也探訪了西門町,體驗台北的繁華與生命力。接著來到台東,感受稻穀豐收的喜悅,而有一池湖水,座落在山谷之中,任由四季擾動他的波光與色彩。讓我們一起出去走走吧。




Let's Go On A Trip vol.3

This subtropical, humid island transitions into autumn, as the sharpness of the sun softens, and the rain becomes less relentless than in the summer. People, no longer seeking refuge from the blazing sun, step out of buildings and shadows, making the most of the most comfortable time of year to explore the outdoors and witness the season with the most vibrant colors. This time, we ventured to Elephant Mountain, gazing over Taipei’s nightscape, and visited Ximending to experience the city’s bustling energy and vitality. Then, we traveled to Taitung, feeling the joy of the rice harvest, and found a lake nestled in a valley, where the seasons reflect their colors on its shimmering surface. Let’s go out and explore together.


Pronunciation: Feng Gu

The rain falls, flowing through the forests and across gravel beds, collecting into a clear water source. From the towering mountains, it flows into the plains, nourishing the rice paddies between two mountain ranges. The land turns golden, welcoming the crispness of autumn.

Volume: 30ml

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