• 抹茶 (1)
  • 2023Winter02
  • 抹茶 (2)


藍濃道具屋 - 抹茶 - 2023 冬令進補 Vol. 2 鋼筆墨水

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NT$ 10.64
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NT$ 10.64
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藍濃道具屋 - 抹茶 - 2023 冬令進補 Vol. 2 鋼筆墨水 總分: 0 - 0 評價

抹茶 - 冬令進補 Vol. 2




抹茶Matcha(Mo Cha)



Matcha - Winter tonics in Taiwan Vol. 2

"Winter Tonics in Taiwan" As the northeast monsoon approaches, all kinds of cold-proof wear and gadgets have come out on the market. Thermal underwear, hand warmers, down jackets, beanies, gloves, socks are prepared for the next wave of cold air from the north. But you might not know that there's an ultimate cold-proof weapon that will for sure heat the winter up and keep you warm!

Red bean soup, purple rice porridge, matcha lattes, and brown sugar ginger tea, among other desserts, bring countless hopes to winter. They not only add warmth to the cold season but also contribute to a sense of happiness for everyone. Of course, these ingredients manifest in various forms in our lives, guarding and accompanying us through this blessed season.

抹茶Matcha(Mo Cha)

The delicious green powder from across the seas gradually transforms into a vibrant and rich green color as it is whisked with a bamboo tea whisk. It is finely poured into creamy white milk, and every sip of the matcha blended with milk brings immense happiness.

Volume: 30ml

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