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藍濃道具屋 - 空嵐 - 2023 出去走走 Vol. 2 鋼筆墨水

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NT$ 14.06
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NT$ 14.06
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NT$ 14.06
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藍濃道具屋 - 空嵐 - 2023 出去走走 Vol. 2 鋼筆墨水 總分: 0 - 0 評價

空嵐 - 出去走走 Vol. 2

這座落於亞熱帶的濕湃小島,進入秋天之後,陽光收斂起他刺人的光芒,雨水也不若夏季時那麼恣意妄為 躲避豔陽的人們步出了大樓與陰影 ; 在這最舒適的時間走入戶外,這一次我們探索了深山中的神木之鄉,以及被霧氣給保存的山城,大家一起出去走走吧。

空嵐 Expansive Mist



Expansive Mist - Let's Go on A Trip Vol. 2

Nestled on this humid subtropical island, as autumn arrives, the sun tempers its harsh rays, and the rains become less capricious than they were in summer. Those who sought refuge from the scorching sun step out of buildings and shadows, seizing this most comfortable time to venture outdoors. This time, we venture into the land of ancient trees deep within the mountains and a mountain city preserved in expansive mist. Let's all go for a walk together.

Expansive Mist

As the sun dips into the sea, a mist, Like rolling tides, encroaches upon the mountain city. The entire hill seems to be concealed within the folds of time, preserved along the secluded northeastern coast, far removed from the rest of the world.

Volume: 30ml

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